Sunday, November 28, 2010


Why promise someone something and live a lie to keep that promise?

This is the theme/moral that I gathered from this movie. I just saw this movie and I wanted to say so much about it. And now I forgot what that was!

Whatever it was, it will sum up to this -- the movie sucked, songs were awesome!

At one point, no at so many points, I felt like banging my head on the nearest wall. But I sat through the whole movie because if the songs. Simply because of them. Two hours after the movie and I'm still listening to those songs :)

The movie had a good motive or idea rather. But it was communicated rather badly; like the script got misplaced and the movie was made based on the rough draft of the script. And there are soooo many atrocities that I won't list here.

Actually the only reason I'm even writing this now is because I'm feeling a little guilty :-/ There are a few symbolic references to smoking. The guy smokes. (For full details watch the movie) Naturally his friends, family, girlfriend don't approve of it. The guy starts feeling like they are trying to rob a bit of him. 

I do that too! I realised maybe I'm a bit prudish. Aaaand so, now on I'll try not to do that. Hopefully.

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