Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dead Letters...PK!

Dear PK,

You are the most genuinely sweet person I have ever known. So pure of heart, kind and gentle. I'm so happy that I got to know a person like you. Not only because you are a great person, but you came in at a point of my life when everything was falling to pieces and you made me believe in good again. People we meet in life leave behind their impressions. You have left behind a stronger impression than you would realise. I'll ever be so grateful to whatever that has caused our friendship and to you for just being you.

Gratefully yours.

Dead Letters.....A!


It really makes me sad that I'm writing you this. Because you really deserve and I really want to be writing a real letter instead of a sad lament at a dead end. So... Why am I still doing this? Because I'd rather be away than be dishonest. I would never willingly lose someone like you, but somehow that is what I had to do. You are honest, sweet, caring, practical, sensitive, and the best! You were the one of the first ones to have started entering into my diary :-). You are one of the very few people in the world who could make the demons of my past fade away. You have never, ever failed to cheer me up and make me happy. You gave me some the most memorable memories ever!
I always hoped it's never goodbye. And it kills me now knowing that is probably was goodbye after all! You hold a very special place in my heart.

Dead Letters.....K!


You're a naturally honest person..did you know that? Unnaturally, your honesty never gets you into trouble.
You, again, were a blessing to me. I probably would have given in if it weren't for you.Sometimes, I even feel glad that we both were going through difficult times, because otherwise I never would have realised how great a person you are.
It is always great to know there is someone out there like us, and it gives us great comfort just knowing we aren't alone. I have learned so much because of you. No, you have never "told" me to do anything, but just being your friend has taught me so much.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I was in a really bad mood so started a movie. That movie sucked. Mood still bad.

I hate it when people talk behind my back. Well, who doesn't. Sucks. Sucks more when these people are your friends. Life has got a sucky way of teaching you lessons. As you grow old, the number of people you trust come down exponentially. At some point, you get so freaked about how you are losing the number of people you can trust that you cling desperately to the ones that you are left with. These people become utterly precious all of a sudden. And all of a sudden they have a very high potential to hurt you.

Ok, I'm getting a little dramatic. I just wish these people would talk to me instead talking among themselves. If they did I'd tell them what the matter really is.

I could go on, but it'll only get worse. I'll feel bad later that I said all those things. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Long ago, I read somewhere about this social experiment. A person was so frustrated with the modern world, don't know the reason, that he came up with this idea of "machine-free day". The idea, as the name says, was to avoid using any kind of machines for a whole day. So, he went to few of his neighbours to implement this ingenious, slightly eccentric idea, conveniently on a Sunday. Things turned out bad and this experiment was a failure.

Almost the same kinda thing happened with me when the cyclone Laila had hit the south-east coast. I was home and it was my birthday too. No one expected this one (the cyclone) to be that strong. It lasted for four days. Day one, by that evening there was no charge in my pone battery. Both the phone batteries. Day two morn, all the phones in my home were dead; landline dead since day minus 43! No power all the three days. So no computer and laptop too. Everyone stayed home. By five in the evening, candles were lit. One for each room. We had enough candles in the house to last for another month but mom took out the very old hurricane lanterns and lit them. It was so beautiful! 

Days were what a cloudy, rainy day should be like - grey, cold, leaks if there are any, and wet! Somehow, my home was so cheery. No body left home, so it was always a little too crowded. No schools too, so there were always kids around. I have learnt so many new games! There was little else to do for the grownups to do other than sit around and chit chat. This time because of the "no machines for 3 days" game, the non-grownups were involved in the yapping too. I did not want to do anything else but simply sit in my room and read all the Harry Potters. And I did. It was just awesome. It feels so good to sleep in on a rainy day. So I used to be up all night reading in the candle light and sleep during the morning. Gas stove does not need electricity. So, thankfully we were all properly fed and more importantly, there was coffee anytime I wanted. No one objected!

And so many little things like that. It gave me a taste of what was like in the olden days. The days were longer. In a wonderful way. Things were slower. You get to talk to others without a million things on your head. 

No machine day! Worked out fine for me. Wonder why that guy's didn't!! ;-)

Monday, October 11, 2010

My own world, my own rules!

One of my very strong (I’d like to think so at least!) principles is to never (or rarely) gossip about others. But I break this rule more than often. So this is a little justification to appease my pricking conscience!

The other day I was telling my mom about how I hate people who gossip a lot and spread bad rumours. This tirade went longer than necessary and we ended up bitching about a certain person. Like all the bad things in life, you really enjoy it at first and you really, really feel bad later. Like all the bad things you did in life, you can’t take any of it back. Late that night, I was wishing that I din say all those things I said. But anyway, after sometime, I came up with this theory. 

Let me brief a little. Let’s call the person in question “X”. I had heard that this X person has been bad mouthing about one of my favourite aunts. I was a little angry and so I started bitching about her with my mom. If I put aside the fact that the aunt was my favourite and if I’m being unbiased, I have to say that this X had a point. A little exaggerated, but yes she had a point. My aunt deserved a bit of all those rumours; she wasn’t being exactly honest, good etc. But that X, like I said, has crossed limits. So the X deserved my bitching! Ha ha! 

Forget this stupid, boring story. But the point is this: We need people like X to put others in check. And to check on X, there will be a Y somewhere. It’s cyclic!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Terrible title, yes, but the story is terrible too.

My brother bought a fish tank, and a tiny fish. I don't like fish or any aquatic creature so my opinion will be unfair but everyone else thought that the fish was so cute. The first few days were great for that fish - fresh water twice a day, food four or five times and so many admirers. As the days went by naturally this fish got boring for everyone, especially for its owner. It was being seriously neglected - fresh water only when it rains, food when someone comes across the food can and people were not even noticing it. So the poor thing was lazing around the unclean tank and it looked like it was getting ill (I sincerely hope it has been ill!!)

One day after listening to so many people pitying the condition of that fish, I thought I should do the needful; like fresh water, food etc. Now you have to keep in mind that I really, really hate fish. They're slimy, slippery and creepy. I started filling in fresh water. Somehow the fish slipped and fell down, out of the tank, and somehow after a long long looong five minute struggle, I got the thing back in. But I was too late. It was alive when I put it back in. But by the next morning it was dead. Dad has taken it away before I woke up and everything. But the deed is done. Those five minutes when that fish was out of its tank will be my most horrifying experience - that fish jumping all over the place, me screaming for someone to come, and trying to hold that thing and leaving it the moment I touched it, aaaaargh!!! I don't want to think about that . Even now as I'm typing, I can hear my own heart beat, my stomach is clenched tight and I'm breathing with difficulty. 

My emotions, reactions are not very strong. ["I'm serene" / "I'm passive" -- pick your choice.] There were other more serious and terrifying incidents in my life but by far this is the one to which my reaction was the strongest. Yeah, I know I know! This whole thing is not even a 'thing' in normal, sensible, grownup world and it is too childish and immature but I cant help what's happening to me, right? 

P.S: I'm a non-vegetarian. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm still a non-vegetarian