Monday, October 25, 2010


I was in a really bad mood so started a movie. That movie sucked. Mood still bad.

I hate it when people talk behind my back. Well, who doesn't. Sucks. Sucks more when these people are your friends. Life has got a sucky way of teaching you lessons. As you grow old, the number of people you trust come down exponentially. At some point, you get so freaked about how you are losing the number of people you can trust that you cling desperately to the ones that you are left with. These people become utterly precious all of a sudden. And all of a sudden they have a very high potential to hurt you.

Ok, I'm getting a little dramatic. I just wish these people would talk to me instead talking among themselves. If they did I'd tell them what the matter really is.

I could go on, but it'll only get worse. I'll feel bad later that I said all those things. 

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