Monday, October 11, 2010

My own world, my own rules!

One of my very strong (I’d like to think so at least!) principles is to never (or rarely) gossip about others. But I break this rule more than often. So this is a little justification to appease my pricking conscience!

The other day I was telling my mom about how I hate people who gossip a lot and spread bad rumours. This tirade went longer than necessary and we ended up bitching about a certain person. Like all the bad things in life, you really enjoy it at first and you really, really feel bad later. Like all the bad things you did in life, you can’t take any of it back. Late that night, I was wishing that I din say all those things I said. But anyway, after sometime, I came up with this theory. 

Let me brief a little. Let’s call the person in question “X”. I had heard that this X person has been bad mouthing about one of my favourite aunts. I was a little angry and so I started bitching about her with my mom. If I put aside the fact that the aunt was my favourite and if I’m being unbiased, I have to say that this X had a point. A little exaggerated, but yes she had a point. My aunt deserved a bit of all those rumours; she wasn’t being exactly honest, good etc. But that X, like I said, has crossed limits. So the X deserved my bitching! Ha ha! 

Forget this stupid, boring story. But the point is this: We need people like X to put others in check. And to check on X, there will be a Y somewhere. It’s cyclic!

1 comment:

  1. And i was reading so seriously about your this person X ...! I thought it will be a good theory..!! Can you believe this ??

